On  Sat, 2 Feb 2002 at 10:15:14,  Tony Firshman wrote:

>On  Sat, 2 Feb 2002 at 00:25:04,  Roy Wood wrote:
>>>You should talk to Roy Wood about Accept, I think he did their sound on a
>>>few tour dates on the continent - In fact, quite a few big german metal
>>>bands. He has a list of the ones hes worked with on his website. He was
>>>kind enough to get me some T-Shirts and a signed UDO "solid" album a while
>>>ago (he was the lead singer with Accept). Pretty amazing voice for a little
>>>fat guy!
>>>He can tell some pretty wild roadie stories too......
>>I toured with Pink Cream too.
>Where did you put it one (8-)#
Where did you put it ON, I meant....

My fingers really aren't working at the moment (and no comments please 
(8-)#  )

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