
I couldn't read this list for 5 days or so, opened my email program, started 
horror, shocks: almost 200 emails of [ql-users] mailing list.
OK think positive, could be a good sign, ql world is alive.
But then..Half of it full with off topic emails (mainly virus talking).
Believe me, it's really hard work to work through all that emails that apparently 
don't belong there.

The problem is, I basically like this list and I am interested in (and need) 
information about ql stuff, 
but on the other hand you have to pay a huge price / time (time _is_ _precious_) to 
find a little 
piece of ql information in the piles of off topic (OT) mails.

Of course, nobody says a word, if one or two mails are OT. 
But what's happening here goes far to wait.    
I can only ask the people who it may concern, 
please read the welcome ql-users again,
please discuss things where they belong 

Hope that someday this list is readable again, 
without losing almost all my spare time


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