At 07:54 пл 12/3/2002, you wrote:

>Marcel Kilgus wrote:-
> >In Germany we have several dozens of those free-mailers, both
> >accessible by POP3 and trough the web. Is it that different on the
> >island?
>Yep!! Despite having one of the most sophisticated telephone networks in
>europe, we are well behind in that field. ISDN has yet to become
>affordable, (I pay three times as much for a 128K ISDN as a friend in
>london does for 4/500K broadband) let alone broadband itself which is only
>available is small pockets of Dublin anyway.

That IS weird indeed. In Greece for example ISDN costs exactly the same 
than an analog line (actually double but since you're really getting two 
lines, no real need for modem -direct to RS232 connection through the ISDN 
terminal- at least 2 times the speed of a regular analog connection and a 
host of neat features like caller ID etc... it's really cheaper :-). Weird, 
I thought that Greece was really a backwater country in this aspect... 
Thanks Darren, you made me feel good now :-)

>Anyway, have just found out that Eircom have been also web based since
>January and told nobody. So, looks like I'll be switching to them...

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