>Unfortunately, these wouldn't be of much use to me as they are
>UK based and I'd be making a long distance phone call for my emails -
>ouch!!  I'm based in Ireland don't forget...

You should be able to get any email account from your current ISP
which you can use with Lookout Excess or whatever and many web based
emailservices (including the dreaded NotColdMail) can POP3 the emails
to - in other words divert your email from your Lookout Express type
providers to web based emails so you can pop(3?) into any internet
cafe worldwide to call up without having to do an international call.

When I had a hotmail account, I could get my softnet email sent to
that by providing the password details etc to hotmail.admittedly I was
always using our laptop rather than net cafes). Or have I
misunderstood something here?

>Reminds me of the trouble the Irish branches of Dixons got into
>They are supplying the same modems here as they do in the UK - their
>brand "PC Line" ones. They were dirt cheap (about 15 euro) , so
>hundred people bought one in the run up to Xmas and installed them in
>machines  - including the UK based freeserve ISP CD that came with
>Unknown to the masses, they were dailing a UK number for their
>access!!  Dixons had neglected to remove the Uk CD-ROM from the box
>they imported them into Ireland, Now dixons are being sued but
>people over it - one case made the papers, where one family got a
>bill for 4,500 pounds just after Xmas.....

My wifeworks for a firm who supply non-computing goods both retail and
wholesale. Some of these types of cock-ups make for good laughs over a
pint or two. And they happen more often than you might think. It's
rarely the companies' fault, rather individuals within organisations
who don't provide accurate information on time and goods then have to
be supplied on trust or on a 'best guess' basis, leading to glorious
foulups from time to time.

Dilwyn Jones

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