At 01:48 рм 15/3/2002, you wrote:

><large snip>
>Now for some more personal notes from me:
>I'm, of course quite wiling to help in any way I can, even with the
>actual coding. I do suggest, however, that the "registrar" (for want
>of a better word(, keep a pretty tight rein over the way things are
>handled (sorry Phoebus, no my opinion - which is
>why the 'most' and not "all" above...).. I know that this will enrage
>the proponents of totally free sources, with which you can do
>whatever you want. However, we should consider that our
>resources are limited, and we will all be better off if we share them
>in an intelligent (and that means managed) manner. That doesn't
>mean that if somebody absolutely wants some feature, this feature
>can't be parcelled out to him/her (I'm being optimistic here).
<snip some more>

No Wolfgang,
I suggested Source forge due to the many tools available. CVS etc. and not 
to suggest total anarchy!

I do agree in any case that for an OS a "tighter" control should be 
Don't forget that the project manager in any case is the one that handles 
the CVS tree and regulates submissions.

On top of that I don't believe that the core of the OS should be changed. 
What should be changed (and normalised) is the way drivers are written etc...

I think that the Open SMS project should begin, by going through the 
sources and completely documenting them first and then start doing changes 
to bring all the versions on all the machines to the same level. 
Additionally a fully documented source would be:
1. An Invaluable tool for all programmers
2. A good reference point to start if we are to step up SMS to a different 
platform (yeah yeah I know... don't shoot!)

That's all for now,


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