At 05:32 μμ 20/3/2002, you wrote:

> >3) ProWesS seems to hang the system when loading in the High Colour
> >Drivers...  This is the latest distribution recompiled with gcc from
> >Thierry Godefroy's site.
>I doubt whether this is the latest distribution. There have been some
>changes at the beginning of this year regarding the euro symbol support in

True and moreover Thierry's distro doesn't have IIRC anti-aliasing enabled.

>Though I am uncertain whether the euro fonts distributed by
>Phoebus are for this new or for an older version.

They are for the older one... but they work fine with the latest as well.
I have yet to make available the ones translated with the newest pfb2pff

Thanks for reminding me Joachim


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