This may or may not work  [someone else will tell you whether this is
worth trying OR you can just give it a go] ...

When I looked at the NETwork ports on the QL a long time ago, I (lacking
the hardware expertise of others to realistically analyze the schematic
and chip functions) nonetheless ascertained that there were two pins on
the SERial port which the NETwork's two connections echoed ...

THAT suggests that if you ascertain which SERial pins are in play, you
_may_ be able to simply run a SERial connection from your Q40 [OR, does
the Q40 have NETwork ports?!?  AND, if not, then why not?] to the NETwork
port of your son's QL.

You will, of course, need TK2 from a (borrowed?) dongle or ____ to take
advantage of the NFS_USE keyword and/or node assignment (node assignment
defaults to 'Net 1', AFAIK ... for the Q40 can be 'Net 2').

I remember reading [in the QUANTA newsletter!] that they supposedly
managed to network 64 QLs at CERN (the inference was that they were NOT
using TK2's NFS_USE keyword since my recollection is that the program
LISTing did not invoke anything other than node assignment] ... I haven't
got a clue how they actually managed to make the NETwork function without
TK2, but they are (generally?!?) smarter than I am.

IF you manage to effect a NETwork connection between the two computers,
you can either set up a PEER_TO_PEER or a MASTER_SLAVE network (the
former *if* you want to SAVE your son's work on your Q40's hard drive or
a dedicated "floppy").


On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 14:19:26 +0000 Tony Firshman
> On  Thu, 21 Mar 2002 at 14:40:46, Jerome Grimbert wrote:
> (ref: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
> >
> >A serial cable is all you need, with the right connection...
> >One of the two must be a DTE and the other DCE.
> >Best thing is to use Ser2 on QL with normal QL serial cable,
> >(if you have one for a printer for instance).
> Nope - the 'normal' QL serial cable is for a printer, and doesn't 
> have
> handshaking wired correctly.  The cable MUST have CTS/RTS 
> handshaking -
> the QLs DTR is actually RTS - it was worngly named.
> >
> >Then setting same baud rate and parity on both machines.
> >
> >copy_n  (or just copy) is then your best friend,
> >or you can write a basic program to transfer line by line a text 
> file.
> >just like
> >QL:
> > 10 open_in#3,ser2_
> > 15 open_new#4,mdv1_myfile
> > 20 repeat loop
> > 30 input#3,a$
> > 40 print#4,a$
> > 50 end repeat loop
> >
> >Q40:
> > 10 open#3,ser1_
> > 20 open_in#4,win1_myfile
> > 30 repeat loop
> > 40 if (eof(#4)): exit loop
> > 50 input#4,a$
> > 60 print#3,a$
> > 70 end repeat loop
> >
> >For test purpose, it is better to replace the file with #1...
> >
> >Only thing: to stop the reception on the QL, you have to use 
> ctrl-c.
> >
> >Copy_n works better with binary files, but is difficult for test 
> purpose..
> >
> This method is absolutely no good with the std QL - the serial input 
> and
> handshaking is hopeless, and problems vary from random character 
> loss to
> complete destruction of serial input, needing power down (not 
> reset).
> For reliable operation, Terminal programs and file transfer protocol 
> is
> needed.  Even then problems are likely to arise, and 4800 is the 
> fastest
> reliable speed.  With Hermes, 19200 can be used, giving about 
> 13000bps
> throughput.
> All these problems were recognised in 1986 and conceived Hermes.
> -- 
>          QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
>   tony@<surname>,
>        Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
>     TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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