Michael Grunditz wrote: 
> Now stop this..

It might have already stopped if you hadn't answered...

> I have recently entered the QL world. I bough myself a Q40 because I felt
> that a native QL clone is what I needed.

Which is a fine thing. Did anybody say anything against that?

> If I disagree with someone on what is a ql or not or whatever , I
> dont throw shit , flame that person . If everyone do what they can
> to provide software and or hardware to their favorite ql platform ,
> then we can keep things gooing. Actualy , I doont care if someone
> thinks that my use of a Q40 is a bad(tm) thing.

Now I *really* wonder whether you have read the mails at all. First of
all it was not about "what is a ql and what not" and who on earth has
ever said that using a Q40 was a bad thing? Certainly not me, I have
said the opposite at least a hundred times. I even have a link on my
page to them (something unimaginable the other way round). So why do
you write this?

I am generally a bit irritated by some reactions on the list. Claus'
mail was there for almost 3 days and nobody had the urge to say "stop
this right here". I can understand if somebody doesn't want to get
involved, hell, I myself don't want to be involved. But when I defend
myself and state some facts (I can *prove* every single sentence of my
mails if I must, you know) out of a sudden everybody (literally
speaking) comes out with "grow up" or whatever. Does this mean
everybody who hasn't spoken up earlier just agrees with Claus? If
anybody thinks that Claus is right, that I'm being unreasonable,
unfair, can prove me wrong in *any* possible way or anything else
which might "damage my reputation", please contact me, I'd really like
to know. I'm not ruling out the possibility that it's really me who is
going nuts.

As Roy stated and I can confirm, the problem is that a lot more is
going on behind the scenes and you all can be glad that you don't know
halve of it (at least I'm *very* glad that I'm not involved in most
quarrels, I hate this sort of stuff). But because I know a bit more,
things can sound differently to me than it might sound to you.

So once again, I have never said anything against the Q40, except
perhaps my technical opinion on some topics (like that a 20kHz sample
frequency is a bad idea). On the other hand they bash on my baby, erm,
product at all possible occasions, even going as far as providing
wrong figures to make QPC look bad (again that's a fact I can prove,
not an unreasonable accusation). This is simply the reason why I have
a little problem with providing my work power for free for their
platform (the statement that started this all. Shouldn't I have said
this in the first place? It's simply the truth). Not because I dislike
the platform or its users (why should I, I know many Qx0 users have a
laptop with QPC running on it!), but because they slap my face every
time they can. The only reason I would have done it nonetheless is
because I don't want to punish the loyal QL users who have acquired
this modern QL compatible platform.

You know, I'd really like the QL community to behave like a big
family, too, but some people just give a hard time to me and some
others. And some things sometimes need to be said, even if you don't
want to hear them.

Again, please somebody tell me (privately, the list indeed isn't a
good place for that) what's going on, I'm beginning to lose my faith
in the world.

I'm very sorry, but I just had to write this off my mind. I'll try to
shut up on that topic now. Marcel

P.S.: Just read Norman's reply. Thanks. I really was beginning to
think that I write in an alien language (which I do, but I mean even
alien to English here).

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