One other thing that puzzles me is to find a quick way to "fade out" colours...

In a 32 bit colour scheme that would be easily done by either eliminating 
each bit on each colour simultaneously at a predetermined frequency

eg. in a hypothetical RRRRRRRR GGGGGGGG BBBBBBBB situation this:

11111111 11111111 1111111 (White) could become

01111111 01111111 0111111 and

00111111 00111111 0011111

until we reached

00000000 00000000 0000000

(As a hypothetical situation this of course doesn't take into account a 
potential different level of data for each colour

ie. 01111111 00011111 11111111 as a starting colour - but calculating that 
wouldn't be difficult).

What method should be more efficient for Modes 32/33 where colour 
information is split between two bytes?

Would ORing with a predetermined bit mask would be best or something else?


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