----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [ql-users] "DIANOUX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Finally, those who moan
> about Lookout Express should consider how they would feel
> about changing their system after using it for many (on the
> whole, happy) years. Taking such drastic action is a last
> resort! Although I only deploy a virus checker on suspicion
> of infection, or after engaging in unsafe practices, I have
> only once in five years actually been infected, and that I
> discovered without the aid of one. I caught it off the
> internet, not via email.

Many thanks, Per, you have expressed my feelings exactly not only in the
above quote but in your whole piece. In about two years I have only caught a
virus once and that was my own fault! (I caught it from a QL-user on this

I spend a lot of time working on international surveys of company computer
users and have a pretty good idea of how MS is regarded in most European
countries. There are some MS lovers, but most users are constructively
critical. MS is usually assessed as the most arrogant computer software or
hardware company.

Now to bring this provocatively back on topic the unfortunate reality is
that you can do a lot of things with MS systems than you cannot do with a
QL. Our loyalty is based more on a recognition of  what the QL could have
been rather than of what it is. In discussing MS I would welcome more
humility and less arrogance from the QL community.

Geoff Wicks

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