----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> All I was saying was that TP has worked fine.
> I have never used any other product 'cos of this.
> I am not trying to be arrogant in any sense, and I am sorry if you
> interpreted the bare words in this way.

No offence, Tony, most of your comments in this group are mild mannered and
constructive. When I wrote my comments I was not thinking of anyone in
particular, but of a general attitude among QL users.

In his contribution Richard made some good points, especially about MS being
caught on the hop by the growth of the internet, but the fact remains that
most people access this list via an MS system. Pity that the QL
possibilities to which he refers were not further developed.

Remember the feeling about QL emailing and internet access at Portsmouth
2000 when there was almost a First World War attitude of  "It will be over
by Christmas" , in spite of Jon Dent's unequivocal warning that there was
still a lot of work to do? How far have we advanced in the last two years,
or are we still in the trenches?

 We have the right to be MS haters, but let's be realistic about our own
shortcomings even if these are mainly because of  the fact that we are all
unpaid and doing it in our spare time.

Geoff Wicks

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