On  Tue, 9 Apr 2002 at 11:04:48, ZN wrote:

>On 09/04/02 at 14:31 Claude Mourier 00 wrote:
>>> Clive Sinclair working for the French??
>>> I know that Sir Clive's skills lay in other places other than
>>> marketing, but has he sold out to the french I wonder??
>>> Just that I saw a TV advert last night for a Citreon C5
>>As always Sir Clive was a precursor : others take advantage of his
>>technology. Merge two C5 (4 wheels) and add a motor and you get
>>something that can earn money ;-)
>Citroen C5 has nothing to do with Sinclair, though I am sure their
>marketing department must have been caugh unaware by the history of that
>'name' in the UK. The Cit C5 is named after it's pre (pre-pre-pre) decessor
>from the 1920s.
>Now if you don't mind, stop knocking down my favorite car manufacturer ;-)
>who actually has a lot in common with the QL, in philosophical ways.
>Although, I will be the first to acknowledge, Citroens can be a pain in the
>a... khm, neck when there is a problem, but when it all works, it's
>amazing. Just like with the QL, where you have to seek converts to
>computing in a better way, with Citroen you get to preach that there are
>better ways to drive around on 4 (and actually, even 3 - some will work
>without one rear) wheels!

Oddly enough on the way back from the recent Eindhoven QL show, a
Citroen in front of us had a flat tyre and diesel was pouring out of it.
I pumped it up for him - but I see he could have driven without it (8-)#

Great when they go well of course (8-)#
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