On 29 May 2002, at 16:29, Bill Cable wrote:

> Roy and Jochen :
> In cases of new versions of SMSQ created by Wolfgang using 
only donated code so
> the developers are not asking for compensation what might we 
expect to pay if we
> already own SMSQ? 

I would suspect : nothing.

> Can a person knowledgeable in GNU open source details 
elaborate on :
> Would it be prohibited to have any open source code on the 
SMSQ disk being sold
> since the disk can not be freely copied? I would expect that no 
open source code
> could be used as part of SMSQ executable but am not sure 
about having separate
> open source modules distributed on the same CD. I imagine 
there are some
> developers that feel strongly about having their code open 
source. Doesn't
> this mean that any code they write can not be part of SMSQ.

Well, it depends what you are selling, I would think.

Suppose you sell SMSQ/E on a disk (CD)

I would think that there is nothing that stops you from putting other 
stuff, including GPL, GNU licence or whatever, on the same disk, 
provided you make it clear that you ARE NOT selling this, just 
providing it on the same physical disk and providing it under the 
GPL or whatever licence, as a service to the user.

The SMSA/E licence explicitly allows for this.

I fail to see why any open source developper would object to this 
(but then, my track record with open source authors is far from 
perfect ...)


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