On 14/6/92  07:08
 Wolfgang wrote

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Just another idea

> On 13 Jun 2002, at 22:09, Mike MacNamara wrote:
> >
> > Any sensible person is not going to get involved or take
sides in
> > this, that is why Wolfgang is not hearing feedback from
users, I
> > think.
> Isn't there a difference between "getting involved" and "taking
> sides"? I'm not asking anybody to take sides here, just to
> their opinions.
I hope I am not taking sides, it is sad there seems to be sides.
> > However nobody ever accused me of being sensible.
> :-)))
> >So, from a user
> > point of view, Peter Graf seems to be the one with most at
stake, his
> > is the biggest commitment, he is, apart from Nasta, the only
> > developing the 'QL' ( of whatever flavour) and therefore his
views are
> > most important.
> I, personally, would dispute that statement. For me, QPC is
just as
> important.
I have already said to Marcel and Jochen that in the wee sma
hours I should have used 'equally' instead of 'most'. I think
without Marcels contribution the user base would be drastically
smaller than it is now. I was trying in my simple way to keep the
discussion on the level of the costs incurred by hardware
developers, by virtue of component and development costs, being
greater than those incurred by others. QPC is very important, and
I as a user can see the day when QPC is going to be about all we
> > His is the financial investment, and D&D and Richard
> > share his ambitions. Good luck to them, without them the QL
is dead,
> > and anything that puts obstacles in their way is not
conducive to
> > furthering SMSQ to the benefit of the user.  After all the
> > of Q40/60 are QL users who are simply upgrading as we have
> > done since the first black box. This whole topic reminds me
of Alan
> > Sugar of Amstrad trying to block QL development for his own
> >
> > I am completely neutral in this debate, I feel sorry for
> > Wolfgang, who is showing signs of wear. As a user, as I see
> > the Q40/60 'lobby' were not involved in drawing up the
> > license,. WHY NOT.
> First of all, I don't think it is a "lobby" - let's avoid these
words that
> have been used in a rather bad context.
Somebody else's word, not mine...
> I seem to remember that, at least, Peter Graf was fully aware
of the
> EIndhoven meeting. IIRC, he said here that he was too ill to

> .
> > Why are their views less important than those
> > who sat  at  a  'round table' and cobbled together a license
> > suited them,
> THEY ARE NOT. I HAVE taken the views expressed here into
> account. It is just that, on a fundamental level (totally free
> binaries/restricted binary distribution) we don't agree.
Fine, no problem there, it is not your interpretation or decision
that are the point. I don't know enough about the mechanics to
venture an opinion, but must be guided by reasonable people. What
appears to be the problem is the perception by some that all is
MAYBE not as open as would be desired. That needs to be
addressed, I know you are trying to do this, you really need to
be a UN diplomat to sort it out.
> > why were Quanta not at this meeting,
> I don't know
> > why not other
> > meeting in UK and US, to get the input of the bulk of people
who are
> > affected?
> Because, then, we would still be having meetings!
Fine, but again fuels the perception.
> > It is no wonder 'conspiracy' is banded about.
> Oh, poppycock!
> I'm sorry, but this is just unbelievable.
> The process of how this came about has been set out here -
> several times IIRC.
Again the perception is about in some quarters, whether justified
or not. To paraphrase someone" it is not enough to do right, one
has got to be seen to do right"
> >Wolfgang, if
> > you don't listen to those who do not share your opinion, you
will kill
> > the patient that you are trying to save.
> Yes, that is true -but apparently, you (and others) and I have
> different opinion of what "listening" means.
> Apparently, if I don't agree with some, then that is because I
> haven't listened to them.
No I did not say that, I said listen, I think most QLers,
including myself, trust you  completely in this matter, and will
go  along with whatever you decide. What I have said is ,please
don't let past 'bad blood' between parties cause a split in the
QL community, a bit of diplomacy to smooth the perceptions of
some may be all that can be done.

You asked for users opinions, I think I shall get on with
installing the ADSL equipment that has just arrived. At least I
shall be able to retreat more quickly.

Good luck, sincerely,

> Wolfgang

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