About FastFind, my latest attempt at supporting the ever-deminishing QL
application/utility sofware scene:

"FastFind (FF) is a utility to search for files on your hard disk drive. As
the name implies it does this very rapidly. On a reasonably powerful system
it can scan thousands of file names per second (On my system: 21000 files in
less than 2 seconds). It uses a system of wildcards to filter out the
desired file names. In addition you can specify date criteria the files must
match. You can perform quite advanced logical operations on your file
selection by refining your search using the results of a previous search.
Once you have whittled down the list to a manageable number you can search
the contents of the files in the list, launch the file in its associated
program, and more.. You can also perform various operations on the resultant
file list itself, such as saving or exporting it, or viewing the file
statistics in greater detail.

The program runs under the Pointer Environment. Though complex and powerful,
it is designed for ease-of-use, whether you prefer using a mouse or the

Thats the theory anyway. The program has only been tried by one other person
in the whole univers, so it may not work for you (straight away) You can
help by downloading FastFind
(http://www.soft.net.uk/dj/software/other/other.html) and taking it for a
spin. Whatever the outcome, your feedback is vital to program development.
Authors have no other way of finding out whether it works for, or is useful
to, anyone else than themselves! Consider this a small price to pay for free

Only tested on SMSQ/E, but there is no reason that I know, why it should not
work on any high-end Qdos system with at least 2MB of memory, a hard disk
and the necessary system extensions. See the Readme for full details.


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