On  Mon, 1 Jul 2002 at 20:23:59, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: <003101c22136$9baaae40$e2065cc3@default>)

>> Well that was an interesting tirade. I have no intention of going
>into a
>> lengthy discussion of this in deference to those of you who have
>> as heartily sick of the whole thing now as I was in trying to deal
>> Peter in the first place. I do feel, and I apologise in advance here
>> that there are a few inaccuracies that should be stated. I will keep
>> this as brief and blame free as I can.
>It's obvious there's some unhappiness on both sides of this.
>The Q40 is dead, long live the Q60.
>The Q60 is a success, no two ways about that. The entire first batch
>is almost sold out from what Dennis and Derek told me, so we are
>probably better off getting all of this off our chests then forgetting
>about it and see the positives to come out of it, namely that Peter
>and D & D Systems have a good product which seems to be selling well.
>The loan Q60 I had from D&D for a while has now gone back to them and
>I shall miss it. Brilliant piece of kit. Although I didn't get time to
>use it as much as I'd have liked while it was here, I did use it
>enough to know that it never once crashed (apart from my programming
>mistakes), was wonderfully fast to use and had some nice software on
>it - preinstalled commercial quality software being a bit of a new
>idea on QL-compatibles.
>I realise I'm changing the topic here a bit, but please believe me,
>whatever may have happened between you in Q40 days, the Q60 deserves
>to do well (I can't see how it can fail) because as far as I can see
>the concept is good, and between them Peter and D&D seem to have such
>a good product on their hands.
>Accordingly, by all means get this off your chests lads, but don't
>forget also that the Q60 is such a wonderful system when you actually
>get to use it!
The Q40 is OK too.  Systems that worked did work well and did not crash.
... and of course was very fast as well.

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