At 03:40 μμ 11/9/2002, you wrote:

>Phoebus, my Minis-QL Aurora system sometimes fails to start. The cure
>is to remove or clean contacts on the EPROM cartridge which contains
>the SuperHErmes code. As it's a RomDisq in your case, I doubt it's
>this but this does seem to be the one thing not tried yet. In worst
>cases, mine would completely fail to start, the SGC gave a 'contact
>Miracle Systems' message and stripes ont he screen.
>Dilwyn Jones

Hi Dilwyn,
That was the first thing I tried :-) I had from time to time similar 
problems with the RomDisq but it wasn't its fault but rather the
adapter's (The Romdisq was working great with my QL all the time - It's rom 
port is gold plated... probably courtesy of its previous owner - I don't 
think that short of plunging the Romdisq in acid, there's something else 
that can make it faulty - PLUG PLUG PLUG :-) )
However, no joy in this case... I took out everything humanely possible... 
I even took out the Ingot and Glue (i think that's its name) chips from the 
SGC and cleaned their pins... but nothing NOTHING works. The systems starts 
fine but once you spend 3 to 4 minutes it hopelessly crashes... Something 
heats up and that something I haven't found yet... My next move will be to 
get zero temp. spray to start spraying one by one the chips to see if the 
system will last longer in order to identify what doesn't work.
The results of the crashes are usually one of the following:

Green screen upon cold or hot restart
White screen upon cold or hot restart
Vertical Stripes (Green Black White Red) beggining from the end of the 
screen area (approx 8 to 10 pixels in height) that fill slowly the screen 
from the bottom right going left)
Plain ole hang with usually a small colour pattern of about 5 pixels in 
width and two pixels in height either in the middle right of top right (not 
totally at the edge) of the screen...

Especially the last two lead me to believe that the Aurora's screen ram has 
been compromised somehow (Of course something else MAY copy garbage up 
there but that's up to the experts to decide what :-)


P.S. Your CDs have arrived... btw I made new covers for all of them and I 
will be sending them to you shortly (Once I sort this mess out...)

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