On  Sat, 21 Sep 2002 at 17:49:17, Stephen Meech wrote:
(ref: <00d301c2618e$db40c2e0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

>Thank you for that shot of nostalgia - remembering both the development of
>Minerva but also taking me further back to the hours I spent recoding magazine
>program listings for my ZX81 resulting in substantial savings in loading and
>execution time.
>Consequently, I don't think I ever wrote decently documented code!
Talking about unfathomable undocumented code, do you remember the QL
World competition - that was the original QL World back in 85 or 86.

It specified a limited basic program to draw a picture.  The winner
produced very clever re-entrant code using turtle graphics. Not only
were they (he had two entries) very good pictures, but one was
entertained for a long time watching them draw.
They were a devil to type in as the printer they used did not print the
correct non-ASCII characters (or even chrs under 27!).
I have just tried it (dragon_bas in QBBS files area #1) and it works on
the Aurora/SGC/Minerva.   It runs a _lot_ faster than I remember it on
the unexpanded QL.
It even runs under qemulator - and a lot faster than even SGC.

Does anyone have the other program?
         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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