I had one that drew a tree - I've found a copy and can post it if you like.
It seems to be called "Shivering in the Wind".

Another nostalgia trip - I am going to have remember how to connect to a
bulletin board again, in order to download the file you mention!  I've managed
to connect using HyperTerminal - just need file access.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Firshman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Movep

> Talking about unfathomable undocumented code, do you remember the QL
> World competition - that was the original QL World back in 85 or 86.
> It specified a limited basic program to draw a picture.  The winner
> produced very clever re-entrant code using turtle graphics. Not only
> were they (he had two entries) very good pictures, but one was
> entertained for a long time watching them draw.
> They were a devil to type in as the printer they used did not print the
> correct non-ASCII characters (or even chrs under 27!).
> I have just tried it (dragon_bas in QBBS files area #1) and it works on
> the Aurora/SGC/Minerva.   It runs a _lot_ faster than I remember it on
> the unexpanded QL.
> It even runs under qemulator - and a lot faster than even SGC.
> Does anyone have the other program?

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