Bill Waugh wrote:
Erm... I use Mozilla these days. It strips off the '>' marks...

... and replaces them with neat, continuous vertical bars.

I wonder. I can't be bothered to check, but does LookOut offer a
function - replace '>' with neat, continous nothing.

The choice is  '>'    ':'  or '|' or you can untick the box and get

my setting is '>'  and my box is firmly ticked  - ( did I really say
that )

BTW how is this mail


Well, firstly, your signature seems to be missing the requisite "-- " line that would stop it becoming quoted in a reply.

Secondly, you have missed the point. Mozilla is quite happily handling all the ">" quoting back and forth in a highly intelligent way. They are exactly what comes in/goes out in the text of the emails. However, it is being pretty and displays the messages with (blue!) vertical bars for my enjoyment.

I've just had a look throuh Mozilla's options and I can't seem to find anywhere that says anything about what format quoted replies should take. I know LookOut (and Turnpike?) gives you options. Is it that Mozilla sticks to some RFC that says it shoud be just a single ">"?

I've been very impressed by Mozilla. There are a huge number of really useful things it does for you. E.g. when in the browser, you can ask for View/Page Info and you get to see things like every link off a page, all the images that are being loaded, all the fields and forms on the page, etc, etc. I'm amused that it converts smilies to graphics. :-) -> pretty yellow smiley face :-) .

Other than flattening/simplifying my address book, it imported all the other junk from IE and BackOut(sorry) to perfection.

I won't be going back.

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