At 02:19 μμ 6/10/2002, you wrote:

>even INHEAR is not mean enough to open attachements automatically - the user
>has to add the final piece of stupidity - by clicking on the attachement.
>So (at least from my understanding) it would be unfair to complain about a
>no-cost software that is dangerous to the dull ones - but that is something
>the whole life is ...

Actually no... because of its geared "for-the-masses" (as you nicely put 
it), it opens automatically all attachments indiscriminately... (unless you 
tell it not to...)
Hence the spread of all these viruses/worms.

I shouldn't tho blame Micro$oft for that as they want a piece of software 
that is easy enough even for the most inexperienced user...
There IS a cost in the popularisation of computers after all.


  • ... Marcel Kilgus
  • ... Christopher Cave
    • ... Marcel Kilgus
  • ... Christopher Cave
    • ... Marcel Kilgus
    • ... Malcolm Cadman
      • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
        • ... Michael Berger
          • ... Phoebus Dokos
            • ... Michael Berger
              • ... Phoebus Dokos
              • ... Michael Berger
              • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
              • ... Tony Firshman
              • ... Michael Berger
              • ... Tony Firshman
              • ... Michael Berger
              • ... Tony Firshman
        • ... Roy Wood
          • ... Tony Firshman

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