There are other problems with QLAY such as it's inability to utilise
ToolkitII's directory handling commands ("DEST_USE" etc), it's instability
when trying to run games and, for me, its failure to update's Minerva's second
screen whilst displaying it.  The Qlayt tools are fiddly on the PC.

Whilst recognising some of the arguments for hardware development I am sure
there are more people like me out there, who would like to continue to play
with QLAY and some time spent as a project improving it would be the best way
of maintaining the QL community in the future.  I don't think there is any
money in it though!

It's a pity the author didn't continue development.  It's been a while now so
he's almost certainly lost interest.


----- Original Message -----
From: Al Feng
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

QLAY [downloadable freeware] _is_ a 100% QDOS [or, MINERVA] compatible
emulator on a PC platform.  There is a LINUX compatible version, too.

QLAY will probably do 95% of what you are looking for.

The current/persistent limitations of QLAY are its inability to communicate
with SERial or FLP ... files are held on a WIN drive.

QUILL files, for example, can be created and SAVEd, but must be PRINTed
through DOS ... transfers must be done in DOS, etc.

Non-text files may need to be ZIPped before being transferred through DOS for
PC-disk to QL ...

Both of the limitations [i.e., lack of FLP & SERial support] can probably be
overcome if a QLever QUANTA member (OR, any other QLingon reading this LIST)
who can write machine code (or, assembly?) would "complete" the code.

SBYTEd dongled-TK2_code can be used with QLAY.

I have read that QLAY is much slower than QPC when run on the same platform
(factor of 3?).  AFAIK, QLAY's speed is dependent on the host platform's
speed -- I think that on anything faster than a 66MHz PC, QLAY will be faster
than the original QL.  Again, the QPC emulation will be much faster on a
faster host platform.

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  • ... Ian . Pine
  • ... RWAPSoftware
    • ... Dave P
      • ... Darren Branagh
  • ... Michael Berger
  • ... Al Feng
    • ... QL recursos en castellano
    • ... Stephen Meech
      • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
        • ... Stephen Meech
          • ... Phoebus Dokos
            • ... Stephen Meech
              • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
      • ... P Witte
        • ... Tony Firshman
        • ... Marcel Kilgus
          • ... P Witte
            • ... Marcel Kilgus

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