??? 10/11/2002 11:59:15 ??, ?/? "Dilwyn Jones" 

>I am trying to draw up a list for publication of QL programs and
>information files available which make use of the GD2 colour drivers.
>My list so far includes:
>PQIV (Claus Graf?)
>Photon (Dave Westbury)
>GD2 Docs files (Tony Tebby)
>Prowess (PROGS-not sure of how much GD2 support, perhaps Joachim can
>let me know)
>BMP2PIC (Phoebus Dokos)
>BMP2SCR etc (Malcolm Lear)
>PhotoQL (Roberto Porro)
>Pnm2picr (not sure who the author is)
>Pic2Bmp (Jerome Grimbert)
>Q-Colour (Wolfgang Uhlig)
>"Skins" (Wolfgang Lenerz?)
>Sprite Editor (Jerome Grimbert)
>QL3D1 (?)

Add to this Pan and Scroll toolkit by Wolfgang Lenerz (See my Parallax Scrolling 
demo on my web page to see what It does)


and ??? <----Three letter acronym name of classic game soon to be 
complete... (hehehe)

Add also QL-Graphics converter and viewer for Windows (That's the newest 
version of BMP2QL that I am working on which converts: 8/16/24 bit BMPs, 
Mode 32/33, Mode 4/8/12(Thor), Mode 16/256(Aurora) and also displays them 
as well :-)
I am still stuck with the dithering algorithms (there's just so many of them ;-) 
and the reverse conversions but hopefully I will get over it ... Q-Word currently 
has precedence over everything else :-)

>Any extra information or corrections to above would be greatly
>appreciated. Also, any programs which although not specifically
>designed for GD2 but which may offer greater functionality under GD2
>for example.
>There are also some programs such as my screen snatcher which offer
>limited GD2 facilities, e.g. it can save SCR files but has problems
>with multiple section screens and PIC files.
>I think GD2 has been around long enough by now for us to have a
>serious go at documenting what's available.
>Dilwyn Jones

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