There is also POVray. In fact, this was one of the first program to have GD2 support


Le Dimanche, 10 nove 2002, à 13:34 US/Eastern, Phoebus Dokos a écrit :

??? 10/11/2002 11:59:15 ??, ?/? "Dilwyn Jones"

I am trying to draw up a list for publication of QL programs and
information files available which make use of the GD2 colour drivers.

My list so far includes:

PQIV (Claus Graf?)
Photon (Dave Westbury)
GD2 Docs files (Tony Tebby)
Prowess (PROGS-not sure of how much GD2 support, perhaps Joachim can
let me know)
BMP2PIC (Phoebus Dokos)
BMP2SCR etc (Malcolm Lear)
PhotoQL (Roberto Porro)
Pnm2picr (not sure who the author is)
Pic2Bmp (Jerome Grimbert)
Q-Colour (Wolfgang Uhlig)
"Skins" (Wolfgang Lenerz?)
Sprite Editor (Jerome Grimbert)
QL3D1 (?)

Add to this Pan and Scroll toolkit by Wolfgang Lenerz (See my Parallax Scrolling
demo on my web page to see what It does)


and ??? <----Three letter acronym name of classic game soon to be
complete... (hehehe)

Add also QL-Graphics converter and viewer for Windows (That's the newest
version of BMP2QL that I am working on which converts: 8/16/24 bit BMPs,
Mode 32/33, Mode 4/8/12(Thor), Mode 16/256(Aurora) and also displays them
as well :-)
I am still stuck with the dithering algorithms (there's just so many of them ;-)
and the reverse conversions but hopefully I will get over it ... Q-Word currently
has precedence over everything else :-)

Any extra information or corrections to above would be greatly
appreciated. Also, any programs which although not specifically
designed for GD2 but which may offer greater functionality under GD2
for example.

There are also some programs such as my screen snatcher which offer
limited GD2 facilities, e.g. it can save SCR files but has problems
with multiple section screens and PIC files.

I think GD2 has been around long enough by now for us to have a
serious go at documenting what's available.

Dilwyn Jones

François Lanciault

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