On  Tue, 12 Nov 2002 at 22:10:14, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: <011701c28a98$c72ef280$70065cc3@blackpc>)

>> [Jonathon Oakley]
>> I believe he is one of the people who seems to have dropped off the
>face of
>> the earth? IIRC he was at the Bielefeld meeting all those years
>> Nasta
>For my sins working for Patientline for the last 11 months...I was
>told by Tony Firshman or Laurence that Jonathan Oakley was one of the
>original design team working on the originals of these little
>Patientline hospital cable TV systems featured on BBC news yesterday,
>of all things using either a derivative of QDOS or something
>resembling QDOS a few years ago. It's now a mix of Windows CE and
>other Windoze flavours from 98 to NT and 2000 (no Jonathan any more
>AFAIK). No wonder I moan about the firm all the time is it ;-))
Lau - and he got heavily involved too of course.
         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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