> Does anyone know of a way for Q-Emulator to skip the ROM type 
> detection? The Ultra MG roms do not start as they are 64 K 
> instead of 48.. Is 
> there any hidden switch somewhere? Daniele?

If you split the ROM in two files of 48KB and 16KB and install the latter as the QL's 
"back rom", as Marcel says, you get a memory configuration equivalent to a 64KB ROM.

However, there's currently no way to disable Q-emuLator's ROM detection.

The reason is that Q-emuLator needs to recognise a few spots in the ROM to be able to 
interact with QDOS, for example to install new directory device drivers. Another 
option would have been to emulate parts of the QL hardware like the microdrive ports 
and the QL's coprocessor, and access files this way. It would then work with any ROM 
that can run on a real, unexpanded QL, but you wouldn't have some of Q-emuLator's 
capabilities, like the TRAP #3 extensions to access subdirectories (both on QDOS 
mediums and in the Windows file system), or being able to read QXL.WIN disk images.
In a similar way, Q-emuLator tries to do some magic to give you keyboard emulation 
that is independent of the type of QL ROM and PC keyboard that you use.
Finally, Q-emuLator tries to recognize ROMs to be able to apply a few patches that fix 
ROM bugs. For example, without patches a JS ROM QL would not be able to handle 16MB of 

If this ROM is almost like an MG, then it might be easy to change the emulator to 
accept it.
If you send me the ROM I can find out why the emulator is rejecting it.


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