18/11/2002 6:49:29 μμ, Roy Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman 
>>>I/O is the key in many other aspects. Have you ever tried an optical
>>>mouse? If so, would ever want to go back to a ball mouse? I don't
>>>think so. Without a PS/2 connector or USB on the Qx0's it will
>>>be hard to find a mouse for the serial port in general, let alone a
>>>hi-tech mouse (although cordless and optical are fairly cheap nowadays).
>>It should be possible to use a ps2 to serial converter.  USB though is a
>>major problem.
>The PS2 to Serial conversion cable or plug is very much tied to the 
>object it is connecting to. You cannot use any converter with any 
>device. They just don't work.

Hi Roy,

You misunderstood Dave, he talked about AN ACTUAL Serial to PS/2 converter not a 
device dependent one... The one he mentions costs some money, not just pence\


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