??? 21/11/2002 8:36:59 ??, ?/? Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??????:

>On  Wed, 20 Nov 2002 at 21:15:12, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
>(ref: <05TO1TN2164XRWUFD65OM1ZZX07DZX.3ddc41b0@quantumcentral>)
>>??? 20/11/2002 7:15:52 ??, ?/? Roy Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??????:
>> The mouse  is a different kettle of herring. Keith
>>>Mitchel can make a PS/2 mouse work with a superHermes Lite but that is a
>>>direct wiring. Most converters just do not work.
>>I am not sure what you meant exactly by that... If Keith has adapted a
>>PS/2 only mouse
>>directly on the superHermes I would like to talk to him to exchange
>>designs (And Tony I
>>would expect!)
>I know about this - it uses the 'spare' port and the 5v/gnd and I/O
>lines there.

Well it won't work unless he gets a clock from somewhere....
(Unless he's using one of the I/O lines as a clock -but I doubt it is electrically 
to begin with with that-)


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