> Well on the Q40 (at least mine) I tried to load it and it's impossible
> to get it to work.

There has been a long history with incompatibilities between the 
Q40 and Prowess. I have managed to get it working, though and 
working correctly on the latest SMSQ/E (2y99 - else I wouldn't 
have released it!).

For one thing, it is important to get the latest version of Prowess, 
as can be found on Joachim's site.

You should really ditch your old Proforma/Prowess, including, 
especially, the configuration files (proforma_cfg, prowess_cfg - but 
keep a backup of these) and use only the one downloaded from the 

At the beginning, use the standard config files. I have found that 
they work without a hitch coming stright out of the "box", as they 

Then you can incorporate the changes you have made to your old 
config files. I know there was a line in there that causes Prowess 
(or rather Proforma IIRC) to crash, but I have lost my notes on this 
problem :-(((. I *think* it was something to do with the font caches, 
but am not sure.

I have also found that sometimes it is easier to split up the 
"startup" file into two.

My first one looks like this:

"%% general ProWesS startup file
&prg_setenv PWSDIR

%% first executable thing which is needed
&rext rext

%% load button frame (if doesn't exist)
%% rext button_rext "Button Frame"
%% already in SMSQ/E

%% load DATAdesign engine
%% rext engine_rext DATAdesign.engine
%% already loaded

%% load PROforma library
pf_PROforma $PWSDIR_mine
&wait "PROforma DLL"

and the second one:

%% general ProWesS startup file
&prg_setenv PWSDIR

%% load ProWesS library
pw_ProWesS $PWSDIR_mine
&wait ProWesS

%% load some useful executable things
rext loader
rext setenv
rext request
rext cbutton
rext mbutton
rext reader
rext calc
rext rconfig
&wait "ProWesS reader"

%% actually set up standard system
%% personal_ldr
%% mbutton intro -name "ProWesS - start here" -wait

I start them up with something like:

EX dev1_prowess_prg_loader;"dev1_prowess_startup_1"


EX dev1_prowess_prg_loader;"dev1_prowess_startup_2"

at different stages of my boot process. I load the same boot for 
QPC and the Q60, and Prowess works on both systems.

(a small advertisement here : I've noticed that the standard 
distribution doesn't seem to included sprite_pfd, which enables you 
to display normal PE sprites and is needed for, e.g. Agenda. It can 
be obatined from me).

>  but I still have problems with its response. 

I must admit that I do, too.
It is not a question of slow loading on bootup - that is not a problem 
for me as I load so many things on boot that I don't even notice 
 However, I think that Joachim's answer about precalculated fonts 
is the direction to look at. This should make things a bit faster. It is 
true, however, that opening new windows under Prowess is 
noticeably slower than under WMAN. Here at the office, I use QPC 
with a 730 Athlon and there is a noticeable lag when opening new 
windows (e.g. under Agenda).
Perhaps this is something that can be speeded up.

> would like to use the PROforma part of it  used more however. (which I
> plan on getting into in depth (better late than never) after I sort
> out what's wrong with it on the Q40. It installed on SMSQ/E 2.91 but I
> can't really use it with 4 colours now... can I? :-) ) 

I hope the above help!

I use the Proforma part every day, since I print my invoices with it 
directly from Basic onto a PCL compatible laser printer. Really 
great stuff, that!

> The combination of WMAN + PROforma seems more sensible due to the main
> advantage of WMAN being written in assembly...
> I am sending you a separate file to illustrate what MY preference
> would be :-)


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