TonyTebby writes:

> The 68xxx series is 16 bit word oriented (even on the 68008 8 bit bus
> version) so a whole word exponent makes sense.
> But, by using only 12 bits for the exponent (enough for astonomical
> callculations) the 4 MSBs can be used as the "floating point number token"
> flag without needing to use an extra word in to flag a floating point
> number - a 25% space saving for almost no cost.
> At the time, "mass storage" was of the order of 100 kbytes, not the 100
> Gbyte today.

That makes goods sense. But (my apologies to all those for whom it is as
obvious as an elephant in the living room) with a 12 bit exponent, how come
the range is only +/-617? Ie, why isnt it +/-$800 ?

> > It allows all operations on the exponent to be done with unsigned
> > arithmetic, which saves some brain work when implementing the stuff.
> >
> Saving brainwork also means saving time and cost
> > It gives an easy test for a "magic" value of zero exponent, which is
> > handy for the "special" cases. If is were not biased, you would have to
> > use a value like "0x8000", which would become messy.
> >
> A floating point value = 0.0 is 6 bytes of zero - not just neat but
> economical

In practise Qdos seems to interpret $xxx : $00000000 as zero, in other words
there are 4096 different ways of saying nothing. That may be neat but hardly
economical ;)


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