On  Tue, 24 Jun 2003 at 17:13:28, TonyTebby wrote:

>ZN wrote
>> The big omission on the ROM slot is a 'write' signal. Clever hardware can
>> be used to 'remember' the state of the lower 8 address lines when a read
>> done from an area (obviously at least 256 bytes in size) set aside - the
>> read data is normally ignored, as the purpose was only to capture the
>> of the address lines and later use them as data - then this data is
>> somewhere by the hardware. The most notable example of this is Romdisq,
>> although other hardware used the same trick (there was a Kempston printer
>> interface, I think, that used this, as well as the original Miracle hard
>> disk).
>Please stop this thread! Nearly clever enough hardware nearly works nearly
>all the time with nearly impossible software driving me nearly mad. Just
>reminding me of it gives me nightmares.

I remember your exhaustive tests of RomDisq - which is your most recent
nightmare I think.

You will be pleased to hear that in practise, I have heard of very few
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