I think Tony's statement below hits the nail on the head. I have to agree -
I had a ball at the last Irish "Show" - and so far everyone who was there
is coming again!!  all 6 or so of them :-)) It doesn't really matter
anymore about profitability - the shows aren't, no matter how hard you try
- QL2000 was the one recent exception, but we are three years on from that
now. I think its very important we have one more big show though to mark
the QL's 20th anniversary.... But I'd say thats it. Can we contact all the
old QLers? Ron Dunnett? Freddy Vaccha? Simon Goodwin?? etc?

QUANTA should fund it - Can anyone from QUANTA make a comment on this? Are
there any of the QUANTA guys still on this list??

Tony is right Tarquin - just organise it. Get a hall. Get some Tea and
Coffee. Thats about the size of it.

Darren Branagh,
Bank of Ireland - Cards And Loans Business,
Nassau House, 33/35 Nassau Street, Dublin 2. Ireland.
Tel: 1850-530-530   Fax: 01-6706813.

                      Tony Firshman                                                    
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                      o.uk>                    cc:                                     
                      Sent by:                 Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop 
in Norwich          
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                
                      09/07/2003 19:43                                                 
                      Please respond                                                   
                      to ql-users                                                      

On  Wed, 9 Jul 2003 at 14:56:05, gwicks wrote:

>I think we have to separate two things here. One is your capability of
>holding an event. This is not really a QL thing, but what experience you
>have of holding events in general. Think of possible experiences in, say,
>the political sphere. The other thing is if there are a sufficient number
>QL users in your catchment area to make a QL show worthwhile.
Good God.  In my book politics is really not an issue.
Don't put off the man.

If there is now other show near, then it is just a matter of getting a
hall, telling people (including traders) and asking Quanta to pay for
the hall.  Food and drink is a bonus.

You cannot have fewer than the last Irish show (8-)#

.. and that was one of the best recent events I have attended.

         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
     tony@<surname>.co.uk  http://www.firshman.co.uk
       Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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