Geoff Wicks recently said:

> What still is not answered is how far QUANTA would
> support, financially and otherwise, a QL2000 type show.

I am in touch with Roy and Robin on this point and hope to report back soon.

> As I understand it, and if I am wrong I am sure one of the "old" QUANTA
> committee will  correct me, QL2000 was organised directly by QUANTA with
> only a minimal contribution from the local group. (If, indeed, there was
> still a local group in existence.)
> Realistically I don't think we can reasonably expect QUANTA to do the same
> again from both a financial and organisational aspect. It would probably
> have to be a joint effort by a local group and QUANTA, and in this respect
> Roy's offer seems to be the most practical so far.
> If we are really serious about another QL2000, it has to be more just a
> hall, tea and coffee. A two day event with a fancy name, but which
> remains much the same as any other show is New Labour, not QL2000.
> Geoff

Having only just joined the ql-users list (Shame! I hear you all shout), I
have missed Roy's offer to contribute to a QL2000 show. Can someone copy me
the details? Although I attended QL2000 in Portsmouth, I was not involved in
any way with its organisation. What do members want from such a show? I am
sure that something unusual can be put together. Fill me in with the details
guys. Perhaps we could plan something along with our current planning for
the AGM in Manchester in April 2004. Nemqlug (North East Manchester QL User
Group) meet in about a week's time and this is on our agenda. Give us
something to get our teeth into.

John Gilpin.
Quanta Treasurer.
and Nemqlug co-ordinator.

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