Hi Stephen, You're very welcome to the list.

We're a friendly bunch and you'll find all of us fairly helpful - most of
us have been around QL's since the beginning, so don't be afraid to ask any
questions - the only stupid one is the one you don't ask!!

QL's are nearly always available at Shows for very silly prices, I also
think Roy Wood of QBranch has a few for sale. You can also use the QL
Emulator for the Amiga you have which is very good indeed, or even
Q-Emulator for the Mac!!

I Sell a CD-ROM filled with most of the QL Emulators, and over a thousand
QL programs  - its only £5. (shamless plug) If you want to send me your
address privately, I will send you one free of charge to welcome you as a
QL user.


Darren Branagh,
Bank of Ireland - Cards And Loans Business,
Nassau House, 33/35 Nassau Street, Dublin 2. Ireland.
Tel: 1850-530-530   Fax: 01-6706813.

BOI Group Data Classification -

                      s m gadd                                                         
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                      .ac.uk>                  cc:                                     
                      Sent by:                 Subject: [ql-users] A wannabe-QL users 
says hi              
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                
                      11/09/2003 18:50                                                 
                      Please respond                                                   
                      to ql-users                                                      

Hi all..

Just wanted to introduce myself. My names Stephen Gadd and i've been
interested in the QL ever since I read an article about it in an Amiga
Format emulation special.

Anyway, after unsuccessfully bidding on a few QLs on Ebay (which went way
out of my price range) I was advised (by the very friendly and
informative Phoebus and Malcom Callum) on some potential second hand
machines. Malcom also informed me of this mailing list so I thought i'd
say hi. Hopefully soon i'll have my own machine and can start
experimenting with various upgrades and introducing myself tolots of
the available software.

Um..not much else to add. I'm a biochemistry second year PhD student at
the University of Durham in the UK and a big champion of none-Windows
machines (i'm  typing this on an iMac, in the knowledge that when I get
home I can choose between a StrongARM RiscPC and an Amiga 4000. Heaven).

Anyway, so that's me.


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