Tony Firshman makes some magical things to make me read
} > request from Jerome Grimbert to print free memory as a qpac2 button
} > (lost in my filing system!).

Me ??? Ok, must be a very old request then.

} It is easy using Phil Borman's  BT_FRAME (LRESPR bt_frame_bin)
} eg for my I2C temp display on my BBS system I have:
} ink#scr,0:BT_FRAME#tscr:cls#tscr
} ... and that creates a button frame that sits in the existing list.
} I then simply print#tscr,temperature (up to 7 chrs - just as well this
} year as we did go into 100.0oF !!!)
} You could print the result of free_mem
} I don't know if bt_frame_bin is PD?
} Phil gave me a copy.

Ok, thanks for the info.

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