On 15 Oct 2003 at 21:41, Arnould Nazarian wrote:

> I was there in Eindhoven when there was a small meeting about what to do 
> now that Tony Tebby was ready to show the source code of SMSQ/E.
> I was the first to speak and I said that IMO 15 years of work of TT 
> should be legally protected so that he could benefit from the 
> development of a possible commercial product.
> This opinion materialised into this licence.

Yes, this is what I remember, too.

> Q1: If SMSQ/E was distributed under this GPL licence and someone would 
> take it to develop a successfull product, TT would have no rights on it. 
> True or false?

True - and, for me, this would be entirely unreasonable.

> Q2: If SMSQ/E was free, would the current situation be very different 
> (ie would those who left still be with us/would there be new developers 
> and application software) ?

Well Peter Graf seems to agrue that, yes this would have happened.

I personally don't believe it, with, apparently, one exception (Richard Zidlicky).


  • ... Arnould Nazarian
    • ... Jerome Grimbert
    • ... wlenerz
    • ... Joachim Van der Auwera
      • ... Timothy Swenson
        • ... Tony Firshman
          • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
            • ... John Taylor
            • ... Tony Firshman

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