> Q1: If SMSQ/E was distributed under this GPL licence and someone would
> take it to develop a successfull product, TT would have no rights on it.
> True or false?

What do you mean by rights? He would have as much copyright as he has now.
As the code would be under GPL licence, there could not be a closed source
product. There would be more chance of having some kin of product and result
from his hard work and ingenuity.

While you could argue that in the current situation, the licence could be
changed, this is not a situation which will last. A change of licence can
only ever happen if all contributers agree. Otherwise, the changes made by
these contributers would first have to be reversed. I think this is
completely utopic for SMSQ/E as I do not think a version control system is
in use which registers all this.

In fact, as I have said before, I think there is no real reason not to use a
GPL/LGPL/MPL kind of licence. I think the choice for the current licence of
mostly the result of some of the key people not understanding open source
completely. However, the differences to my opinion mostly make things more
difficult for those people themselves.

That said, the current licence should not deter anybody from contributing.
The differences are small enough.


  • ... Arnould Nazarian
    • ... Jerome Grimbert
    • ... wlenerz
    • ... Joachim Van der Auwera
      • ... Timothy Swenson
        • ... Tony Firshman
          • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
            • ... John Taylor
            • ... Tony Firshman

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