On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 19:37:13 +0100, Roy wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Wolfgang Lenerz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Hi Roy,

This is what should be the final version of SMSQ/E 3.03 for the

Would you lminbd having a look at it, to see whther is now (!)
works OK bvefore I release it?

It works here, but I remember you having had problems before.

You have just broken your own licence !

He did, didn't he? :-) (I think he sent it here by mistake though ;-)


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    • ... Dilwyn Jones
    • ... wlenerz
  • ... Roy wood
    • ... Dilwyn Jones
    • ... wlenerz
    • ... Bill Waugh
    • ... Roy wood
    • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
    • ... Roy wood
    • ... Roy wood
    • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
    • ... Fabrizio Diversi
    • ... Duncan Neithercut
    • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
    • ... Marcel Kilgus
    • ... Tony Firshman
    • ... Marcel Kilgus
    • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
    • ... Tony Firshman
    • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
    • ... Malcolm Cadman

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