> SMSQ/E can have different Langauges included, how about Welsh being
> option to be included. The language files could be loaded at boot.
> And as you know, I lived in Newcastle Upon Tyne for 9 long years...
> suppose the Geordie lanuage could be installed.
> Wot Ye saay Hennie... I think I need Bill to help out here.
Georgie...I seem to remember something Darren Branagh sent me about a
Geordie version of Windows, or Windaz as I think it referred to it.
Quite funny. Think the smsq/e module could be called Monkey or
something...... :-)

Dilwyn Jones

          • ... Fabrizio Diversi
          • ... Timothy Swenson
          • ... James Hunkins
          • ... Dilwyn Jones
          • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
          • ... Dilwyn Jones
          • ... Davide Santachiara
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Phoebus Dokos
          • ... Tony Firshman
          • ... Dilwyn Jones
          • ... Bill Waugh
        • ... Dilwyn Jones
    • ... wolf
      • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
        • ... P Witte
          • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
  • ... wlenerz
    • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
      • ... Bill Waugh

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