
Are you using QL or PC format? If I recall correctly, if your floppy is PC formatted only, it is Much slower than if you first format it to QL.


On Dec 13, 2003, at 10:32 AM, Timothy Swenson wrote:

At 01:17 PM 12/13/2003 +0100, you wrote:

For the backup of data there are different way to achieve the goal :
- use a second HD, I have a 2nd HD of 40 GB that i use for both Linux and
SMSQ/e, it is mounted on a removable bay, so I can move it from the Q60 to
the Q40

With the limitation of 2 IDE devices on one IDE cable and 1 cable per IDE controller, I have the main HD and the CDROM. Having a second HD would mean a second controller. Something to think about.

> Floppy Speed:
with the new releases of smsq/e from 2.99x on, this problem does not exist

I've at SMSQ/E 3.04 and it still feels slow to me. I'm comparing to copy to the speed that my PC copies at. Anybody have the details on why it was slow in the first place. This might help in figuring out why my copies feel slow.

Tim Swenson

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    • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
    • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
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    • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
    • ... Timothy Swenson
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    • ... Timothy Swenson
    • ... James Hunkins
    • ... Dilwyn Jones
    • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
    • ... Dilwyn Jones
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