As discussed back in December, I have now put much of the QL
Documentation CD online on my TopCities website. Either go to the
normal Tesco.Net site and click on the
new link at the bottom of the page or go direct to the site on and click on the QL Manuals
& Documentation page link.

Not all of the material is there yet, but it's a hug improvement on
what I was able to put onto the site.

Anyone with additional material to put online is welcome to send it to
me for inclusion. I hope this will prove to be a valuable online
resource of QL related documentation and information.

This site also hosts a large amount of old QL-zines (back issues of
Club QL International newsletters, QL-Forum, QL Hackers & Linux
Journals, Italian magazines and in due course a pointer to the Spanish
QL Resources site to access the Spanish QL newsletters too), as well
as being the new home of the QL Rogues Page, Pictures of QL related
equipment you can use for creating your own websites, the QL Humour
page (including the complete collection of QL Today cartoons) and the
back issues of the QL Today cover disks.

Next step will be to reorganise the main site as there is now some
overlap of material, then update the software downloads site after
that to put much more of the QL PD Library online.

Dilwyn Jones

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