Witchy wrote:
> I found this list after googling for David Oliver and CST, who hopefully
> some of you will remember produced the Thor range of machines. Having got my
> paws on what I think used to be a working Thor WF2 (before someone removed
> the hard drive) the other week I'm trying to find any info I can on both the
> machine and CST themselves for my museum - URL is in my sig.

Nice page you have there. Just allow me a few comments to the QL

"and the multitasking wasn't really 'multi' because background tasks
were paused."

Not true. All tasks have always worked in parallel. With the advent of
the "pointer environment" tasks could get stopped if they wanted to do
something on the screen while their window was buried, but that's it.

"In true Sinclair style it was marketed long before it was ready,
resulting in initial shipments needing an extra ROM 'dongle' out the
back because they couldn't fit SuperBASIC into (I think) 32K."


"....and a database who's name escapes me for now."


"Even to this day there are fans of the QL producing extra software for
it, there's an enhanced OS called Medusa, "

You probably mean "Minerva" here, never heard of Medusa before (QL
related, that is). The most advanced offspring (like Minerva not based
on actual QDOS code but rewritten) that is still being developed even
today (I know that because I did most of the recent developments ;-) )
is called SMSQ/E by the way. It runs on multiple platforms and even
still on enhanced QLs (with 68000 or 68020 extension board).

Unfortunately I can't give you any info on the Thor, though.


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