On  Tue, 3 Feb 2004 at 21:04:33, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

>Tarquin Mills wrote:
>>> "In true Sinclair style it was marketed long before it was ready,
>>>  resulting in initial shipments needing an extra ROM 'dongle' out the
>>>  back because they couldn't fit SuperBASIC into (I think) 32K."
>>> 48K.
>> no 32K, 48K=32K ROMs+16K Kludge later 48K ROMs
>Hm, right, sorry for the confusion. I always thought that they added a
>16kb rom to bring the total up to 64kb and later managed to change the
>code to fit into 48kb.
>I didn't think anyone would even try to squeeze the whole of
>QDOS/SuperBasic into 32kb...
You are not worng Marcel.
The std  internal QL space has always been 48k.
Minerva uses a 64k Eprom, with 48k code space.
I do a version of Minerva that can fill the remaining 16k with ROM.

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