----- Original Message -----
From: "Roy wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Recent Quanta

> Geoff's comments make a lot of sense. I would say, though, that the
> reason that shows have concentrated in the SE area is because we are
> willing to make the effort to put them on.

And, I think, you have a little more manpower in the area compared with
areas north of Watford

> Quanta has little say in
> where the shows are unless it is to say they will not fund them. I have
> deliberately not organised a Hove show so far this year because of the
> London Show in January and uncertainty about the timing or otherwise of
> the QL 2004 show. Now I know that there will not be one until 2005

I'm not sure that this has been specifically stated yet (Geoff W comment

> I will probably try to arrange one for Mid May because a lot of people
> have asked. As this is one of the cheaper ones (150 pounds for the hall)
> I hope it can go ahead. The alternatives to Quanta funding the show are
> charging the attendees and that will only serve to decrease the number
> of people who are there.

In order to get Quanta Sponsorship contact the secretary direct with full
details of the event including costs, date etc. DO NOT rely on it being
picked up from this list!

>Don't forget that the traders sponsor the shows
> too by sending flyers out. People like Jochen and Marcel who travel long
> distances to get to the shows rarely even break even but are usually
> among the most popular stall to visit.
> I am also glad to see steps being taken to remedy the magazine. It has
> run the same out of date QL Today ad for the last four issues in spite
> of my sending in new ones.

Please rush me another up to date copy so I can pass it on to the correct
channel for you. Sorry for the errors.
> I am also glad to see Geoff taking an interest in this. Does this mean
> you have reversed your decision to stop trading ? I hope this is the
> case.
> --
> Roy Wood

added comments from John Gilpin.

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