Per wrote:

I thought Id have a go just to demonstrate:

100 s = SCR_BASE + SCR_LLEN + 4 : rem Start at top left of screen
110 xs = 100: ys = 10 : rem X/y size
150 POKE_L a, $2200020 : rem Mode 32 sprite w alpha channel

Per, this is GREAT!
It works fine, you can take the sprite into an EasyPtr program,
making it the actual pointer sprite with SPRS. It can even be longer than 64 pixels
in contrary to what Marcel says. Crazy :-))

I have two questions, though:

1) With the PVAL procedure (result%(10 and 11)) I can determine the origin of a window.
How would I have to alter your line 100 when PVAL returns xorg%=500, yorg%=300 (just
to take an example)

2) In line 150 you define the opacity of the sprite. Could you explain which change
to the value would result in which degree of opacity?

Thanks in advance,


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