Hi Oliver,

thank you!

I use the gdaladdo command and it works fine now.

The slider works now as well, but as you mentionded it blocks a long time!

Kind regards


Am 06.08.2017 um 11:05 schrieb Oliver Eichler:


if at a zoom level the amount of pixel to read exceeds a threshold QMS skips the map. This is a safety mechanism to catch a map that otherwise would block the map refresh for a long time. As this is highly dependent on CPU power, data bus clock and file format the threshold is quite conservative.

There are two ways to bypass:

1) For each map there is a slider with two buttons in the properties to control visibility. This will override the threshold.


2) Add overviews to your map.

gdaladdo --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW  LZW -ro your_map.vrt 8 16 64

In the current release version the map has to be single banded (color table), to make it work. With commit 43b0987e30695ced81dfe34f8d82f4ec2ec6036d it works for other maps, too.



Am Sonntag, 6. August 2017, 09:52:14 CEST schrieb AM:

> Dear all,


> I created a dtk.vrt from the "Digitale Topographische Karte 1:25.000

> RGB" by using


> gdalbuildvrt -resolution highest dtk25.vrt

> /home/user/dtk25rgb_EPSG25832_TIFF/*.tif



> If I like to zoom out by using the "+"- button on my keyboard I can

> only see the map with a scale 1 km.


> If the scale is greater I can only see an empty frame.


> In QGIS I can zoom to all scales.



> Thank you for your help!



> Kind regards



> Axel



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