Never mind.

THe root of this problem turned out to be that I had added myself as a
user to the mail server and I had the auth modules in the wrong order
in my authdaemonrc config

So instead of "authldap authpam" I had "authpam authldap" therefore it
was taking my unix credentials over my ldap credentials.

Stupid, rookie mistake.

Sorry guys.

On 7/6/06, Daniel Corbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried running the search as the user, and got the same thing as I
did running the search as Manager.  Curiously, I see no traffic going
to my LDAP server at all.  Why would it just simply stop talking to

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ldapsearch -x -W -D
'uid=dcorbe,ou=People,dc=interceltelecoms,dc=net' -b
'ou=People,dc=interceltelecoms,dc=net' '(&
(uid=dcorbe)(objectClass=qmailUser) )'
Enter LDAP Password:
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=People,dc=interceltelecoms,dc=net> with scope subtree
# filter: (& (uid=dcorbe)(objectClass=qmailUser) )
# requesting: ALL

# dcorbe, People,
dn: uid=dcorbe,ou=People,dc=interceltelecoms,dc=net
uidNumber: 1000
gidNumber: 1000
uid: dcorbe
cn: Daniel Corbe
homeDirectory: /home/dcorbe
sn: Corbe
givenName: Daniel
displayName: Daniel Corbe
userPassword:: e01ENX1xdk4zNVA1UUl0UVppZWxuRVowVUd3PT0=
objectClass: qmailUser
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
mailAlternateAddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailAlternateAddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailAlternateAddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
accountStatus: active
title: Director of Technology

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

On 7/6/06, Mark Farver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Corbe wrote:
> >
> > Watching strace produces nothing interesting except for this:
> > chdir("Maildir")                        = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
> > directory)
> > which seems to suggest that imapd is now completely ignoring the home
> > directory value it got back from authdaemond.
> >
> I had a lot of issues with this, and it can be a pain to troubleshoot
> but it usually ended up as a problem with ldap searching.
> Restart the ldap server...
> You might want to tail the ldapsearver search logs, or fire up ethereal
> to watch the ldap search. Is your imap server logging onto the
> ldapserver as Manager?  If not try running the search as that user,
> maybe your ACLs have changed.  Run each search you see in your logs by
> hand and verify the results.
> Mark Farver

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