On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 08:16:20AM -0200, Carlos wrote:
> Hi peoples,
> I working to enable "accountStatus" in qmail-dap + active directory.
> Then I make any changes to test, but I think that I found one problem.
> In AD the filed that control user status is "userAccountControl".
> When the account is enable the value is 512 when disable the value is
> 514.
> see
> Account enable:
> # base <CN=Carlos Cesario,CN=Users,DC=tecnomega,DC=com,DC=br> with scope
> sub
> # filter: (objectclass=*)
> # requesting: ALL
> #
> # Carlos Cesario, Users, tecnomega.com.br
> dn: CN=Carlos Cesario,CN=Users,DC=tecnomega,DC=com,DC=br
> ......
> distinguishedName: CN=Carlos Cesario,CN=Users,DC=tecnomega,DC=com,DC=br
> instanceType: 4
> whenCreated: 20070206142407.0Z
> whenChanged: 20070206190944.0Z
> displayName: Carlos Cesario
> uSNCreated: 13913
> uSNChanged: 16424
> name: Carlos Cesario
> objectGUID:: MAM/H0tcGE6/iZrQ0x1UyQ==
> userAccountControl: 512
> ......
> Account Disable
> # extended LDIF
> #
> # LDAPv3
> # base <CN=Pereira Souza,CN=Users,DC=tecnomega,DC=com,DC=br> with scope
> sub
> # filter: (objectclass=*)
> # requesting: ALL
> #
> # pereira souza, Users, tecnomega.com.br
> dn: CN=pereira souza,CN=Users,DC=tecnomega,DC=com,DC=br
> ......
> distinguishedName: CN=pereira souza,CN=Users,DC=tecnomega,DC=com,DC=br
> instanceType: 4
> whenCreated: 20070214124917.0Z
> whenChanged: 20070221202000.0Z
> displayName: pereira souza
> uSNCreated: 20743
> uSNChanged: 28689
> name: pereira souza
> objectGUID:: hrPk6L4f4UWq9c4hebwGyA==
> userAccountControl: 514
> .......
> Then I change any values in qmail-ldap.h (to test)
> #define LDAP_ISACTIVE           "userAccountControl"
> #define STATUS_BOUNCE           514
> #define STATUS_OK               512

You don't need to modify the STATUS_BOUNCE  and STATUS_OK defines. Instead
you should change
#define ISACTIVE_BOUNCE         "514"
#define ISACTIVE_ACTIVE         "512"

The STATUS_* are internally used whereas the ISACTIVE_* definitions define
the expected strings for the different states.

:wq Claudio

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