
I have been trying to get qmail-ldap to work with samba4's Active
Directory implementation.  It seems that all parts are working with the
exception of smtpauth.  

WHAT WORKS: When I send a mail to the system, it successfully verifies
if a user exists and denies if the user doesn't exist.  qmail-ldaplookup
-m/-u both run without error and report what I would expect to see.
When I set samba4 into a debug mode, I can see the ldb query coming
through in the logs.  In fairness, those logs do not report success or
failure of the lookup, or the values returned, but the fact that things
work indicate the ldap communication to samba4 was a success.  I also
take these successes to mean my ~controls/ldap* files are set up
correctly.  I can also use ldbsearch to verify my user/pass info is

SMTPAUTH: I have compiled with TLS and enabled SMTPAUTH="TLSREQUIRED", I
can verify the encryption is working because when I rename the cert, I
get an error in qmail's logs when it is not working (presumably thanks
to TLSDEBUG).  I gather from what I have read that that is all I need to
do.  There were mentions in the life with qmail-ldap that some extra
arguments are required in the run script, but I found some mailing list
post that says that is not required.  

BROKEN:When I try to send a authenticated mail using thunderbird, I see
the following in qmail logs:

auth login
authentication failed: authentication failure

However, the samba4 logs continue to indicate a valid search query is
being made.  When I base64-encode my user/pass and use telnet to test
the smtp connection, I get the exact same symptoms as using thunderbird;
the samba4 logs indicate a good search string and the qmail logs say
authentication failure.  

TRIED: I have scoured the mailing lists, there are those who say active
directory works out of the box just by modifying qmail-ldap.h, there are
those who say you need to modify qldap.c and/or qmail-ldaplookup.c in
order to account for userAccountControl.  Over the last days, I have
tried any patches/suggestions that could apply to samba4 (as opposed to
windows server), but not one of them has solved this problem.

In the interest of not making this a novel nobody wants to read, I will
leave out the remaining details on what I have done and which articles I
have referenced, but I can make that info available.

If anyone can get me pointed in the right direction, I would truly
appreciate it...

Bob Miller
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760
Network, Internet, Server,
and Open Source Solutions

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