- "J.P. Racine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

|   I'm having some problems with a remote site that seems to be
| attempting to use us as an open relay, fact is, we arent...

Might be useful if you could turn on verbose logging for connections
from that site.  Could it not be possible that they have a broken smtp
client that chokes on some response from your server, then retries
without proper delays?  (Never attribute to malice what can be
explained by stupidity (I don't remember who said that.))

|  My guess is, the remote mailer is using a scanner that reports open
| relays with sendmail return codes.  I'm tempted to recompile qmail
| with the sendmail return codes instead of the X.X.X codes [...]

I don't quite understand what you mean by that.  The codes that matter
in the SMTP dialog are the first three characters of the response.
The text that follows, including qmail's X.X.X codes, are just comments.

- Harald

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